Friday, June 6, 2008

Lost- Season 4 Finale

Warning: I'm discussing details of the finale below:If you have not seen it, don't look !!!

Okay, it has been a week now. I must admit, I have not watched the season finale again yet. I -plant to, it just has not happened yet.
My first reaction to the episode: Wow.
Second reaction: Wow.
Third reaction-(said to My Special Lady)- "Didn't I say that it was Locke in the coffin at the end of LAST year's season finale ?" She finally admitted that I did say that, But she may just have been agreeing because she wanted to go to bed.

There is a lot to process.

Is Jin dead ?
I don't know. Part of me says he's not. We did not actually see him die. We don't know whether he may have jumped into the water before the freighter exploded. I think I want him to be alive. But I think some people on the show are gonna be sorry that Sun thinks he's dead. She's gonna make some people PAY. But who ? Ben ? I would assume so. Jack ? Maybe. Widmore ? Could be. Her Dad ? Oh, I think so.

Kate's dream- Doc Arzt has a clip of the phone call Kate got here. It was apparently someone speaking backwards, but he plays it forwards,and it seems to say "The island needs you, You have to go back before it's too late." then, of course, she sees Claire in Aaron's room, and Claire warns her to not bring Aaron back to the island. This would seem to be in contrast to the sort of evil looking Claire that was in the cabin, wouldn't it ? didn't the Claire sitting in the cabin seem to be a little creepy ? Was that maybe not her ? was that just a manifestation to make John feel better ? Or was that not really a manifestation of Claire in kaye's dream, but just Kate's subconscious ? I think it was Claire in Kate's dream. I think she has always been about protecting Aaron, but I don't know what to think about the Claire that was in the cabin.

Locke's alias- I have read some questioning of why Locke would be using the name Jeremy Bentham, and was it just a cheap ploy by the writers? Over at Nik At Nite, Nikki lays out who the real Jeremy Bentham is, and that is quite interesting. But i think the use of any pseudonym by Locke would be for protection. He's supposed to be dead(in the crash), presumably he's hiding from Widmore and perhaps Ben. I think it makes perfect sense to me, that he would use a fake name.

Christian- He seems to be a major player in this thing now doesn't he ? At first, it seemed like he was haunting Jack because he was Jack's father and blah, blah,blah. But now he appears to Locke in the cabin. He tells Michael that "He can go."(very cool moment,by the way). Very interesting.
Dads Theme- There seems to be a definite running Father theme through the show: Jack and Christian, Claire and Christian, Locke and his birth Dad(the kidney stealing, paralyzing dick), Penny Widmore and Charles, Ben and Alex, Kate and her step dad, Sun and her Dad, Ben and his Dad..I know I'm leaving some out, but there's some major Daddy issues on that island.

Do you think Sayid is rounding people up for Ben at the end ? I think I do.

Moving the Island ? I mean, What the Fuck ? what happened ? Did they move it in time ? In space ? Both ? has it been moved before ? How Often / are we supposed to assume that Widmore moved it once, and that's why he's not on the island anymore ?

Speaking of Widmore: Is anyone else excited for the scene when he sees Desmond again ? you know it's gonna happen.
And speaking of Desmond- Can I just say that the romantic sucker in me almost jumped up and cheered when Penny was on that boat ? I was so damned happy for them. Isn't that demented ?

What else ?

The scene with Ben and Locke in the Orchid was priceless. "Do you mean time traveling bunnies ? Then yes."

I am starting to gain a weird appreciation for Ben, I must say. I know he's mostly evil, but there's just something I really like about him. Perhaps I'm evil too.

i wish we had seem Hurley playing chess with Mr. Ecko. I miss Mr. Ecko.

Oh, and the what the fuck about Charlotte ? She's been on the island before ? Huh ? Who is she ?
And how cool is Miles, by the way ? He's only been on the show for a short time, but I really like him.
And what happened to Farraday and the people on the little boat ? Did they move with the island ? Are they just adrift ? There weren't any other known characters on the boat with Farraday( I called them all Star Trek red shirters- You remember on Star Trek, they would go down to a planet, and it would be Kirk, Spock, Bones and some guy in a red shirt, and you knew the guy in the red shirt was not getting back on the Enterprise), so if they were adrift, I guess Farraday could eat them to survive.

Okay, my brain hurts. I'm sure I'll write more later, but that's all for now.

I almost forgot, my friend Tracy told me about the alternate endings they shot, in case there was a leak, and they showed them on Good Morning America Friday morning. Here they are:

And here's a deciphering of what Sawyer said to Kate on the helicopter.

Okay, that's it for now. And this time, I mean it.

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