Wednesday, March 31, 2010

LOST 6.10 "The Package"

Spoiler Alert...Blah blah blah!

So, now we know once and for all(I think) that Widmore is NOT on  Flocke's side. Beyond that, I don't know what we are supposed to think about him.

So, Island, first?

  Starts with night vision, which turns out to be the Widmorians surveiling the Flockians.

  Flocke talking to Sayid- Was that depressing or what ? I STILL think that Sayid is going to end up sacrificing himself to save the good guys...He just doesn't seem comfortable being soulless and unfeeling.

  Flocke talks to Jin about his name being on the wall,a nd how Flocke needs him. Seems to just creep Jin out some more.
  Flocke goes off to try and recruit Sun...Jin decides that he is getting out of camp...The Widmorians come in and tranq everybody, and then take Jin.

  Flocke sees Sun and tries to convince her to come with him...She ain't buying it and runs away...Flocke chases until she hits her head.

  Flocke returns to camp, tells Claire that he is "3 people shy of getting off this Island", but that he still needs Claire, even though her name isn't on the wall anymore. It seems that Claire doesn't want to leave, but Flocke essentially tells her that after Kate convinces the "other 3" to leave with Flocke, then Kate is no longer needed(Claire can kill her).
  Something about that conversation has me more convinced than ever that Flocke plans to kill at least the Candidates, if not everyone before he leaves.

  Richard returns to the Ilana-ites, and he tells them that they have to go destroy the plane because it is the Flocke's only way off the Island.This sends Sun into a tirade(in Korean, because her knock on the noggin has knocked out her ability to speak English) about how she doesn't care about destiny or mission, she wants her family on one place at the same time.


  Flocke and Sayid go to see Widmore to get Jin back. Flocke tells the Widmorians that he "Comes in peace." Riiiiight. Widmore tells him that he doesn't have Kwon(which might be true-he may not know yet).Flocke asks Widmore if Widmore knows who he is. Widmore responds that what he knows is a "combination of myth, ghost stories and jungle noises in the night."

  Flocke responds, "A wise man once said that war is coming to this Island. I think it just got here."

Jack convinces Sun that he will get her and Jin off the Island.

Jin wakes up in Room 23(Carl's brainwash room) and demands to talk to Widmore. Widmore shows Jin pictures of his daughter and Sun, and tells him that if Flocke succeeds, then everyone will "cease to exist".
He then takes Jin to show him a "package".
  We see the Widmorians taking DESMOND off the sub!!!! So does Sayid, who is playing frogman recon guy in the water.

   Jin and Sun are not married.
  Jin was delivering the money as payment for his own execution.
 JIn and Sun are having a secret affair(also why Jin is being murdered).
   Sun cannot speak English, but wants to run away to U.S. with Jin. She has a secret bank account.
Keamey comes to the hotel room and tells them they need to give him the money, which has been confiscated by customs. Keamey brings in Mikhail(with 2 eyes!) to translate, and Sun says that she can go to the bank and get the money. Mikhail goes with Sun to get the money, Keamey takes Jin to the restaurant.

  The bank account is empty. Sun's father emptied it.
Sayid kills the bad guys and gives Jin the razor so he can free himself.Mikhail and Sun arrive, Jin and Mikhail struggle, Mikhail gets shot in the eye!!! Pregnant Sun also gets shot.


  Apparently, Flocke cannot become the smoke monster whenever he wants(Sawyer saying "that would be ridiculous" was one of the best lines of the series so far)...But when can he?

  What is Desmond there for?

  What does Widmore know about Flocke?

  What does Alpert know about Flocke?

  What does Ben know about Flocke?

  I liked that Flocke was not able to corrupt either Jin or Sun. Nice to see,.

  Flocke told Calire that Kate was not on the wall anymore...Is that true? Or did he lie to her? If her name isn't on the wall....Why not?

Why is Widmore looking for the electromagnetic pockets?

  One more thing, that doesn't necessarily have to do with last night's show...Did Elosie tell them they had to take Locke's body because they needed it to show them that Flocke was NOT Locke ?Or was the "proxy" thing real?

 Okay, so what did i miss ? What do youse guyses think ?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

LOST Episode 6.9: Ab Aeterno

Spoiler blah blah blah.....

So, we finally know the back story of one Mr. Richard Alpert. And I for one, am not disappointed.This was a great episode, and it did answer some questions, and raised some others.

  I have to admit, when the MIB first came and spoke to Richard, he almost had me convinced that Jacob WAS the Devil. He was very persuasive. I like how he waited until Richard was almost dead to come and see him, waiting until he was at his most vulnerable. then telling Richard what he wants to hear, and then offering Richard a reunion with his wife in exchange for "killing the devil".

So, what did we actually learn?

  It seems that the Island is a sort of prison for the MIB. Did I read the bottle metaphor correctly there?
    Are we to believe that the MIB is Evil Incarnate, then? I'm guessing by Hurley's last line that we are to believe just that.

  The MIB will promise anyone anything to get what he wants.He can and will lie.

  The MIB thinks that everyone is evil by nature and corruptable. Jacob brings people to the Island to prove him wrong.

  We now know how the statue was destroyed.

  Only people who were invited could enter the Jacob's spot under the statue.

  Interesting to see Jacob change whatever his previous strategy was when he realizes that the MIB now intends to kill him. He "hires" Richard to speak on his behalf.

 I thought this was a great episode.I thought Nestor Carbonell was fantastic. the little giggle he gave when they asked him what to do next was great, and my heart was breaking at the end when he was talking to Isabella.I was quite worried that he was going to go to "The Dark Side", and that would have bummed me out.

  I cannot believe there are only 8 episodes left.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

LOST 6.8 Recon


Not a great episode, in my opinion, but I'm not a big sawyer OR Kate fan, so that's that.

  I also didn't think there was really all that much information in this episode either, quite frankly. I guess it was maybe meant as a bit of a palate cleanser between the two halves of the season ?(alas, it is half over...sniff..sob).

 It did seem sorta like this episode was everybody lying to everybody else.


  Sawyer lies to Widmore, lies to Jin, apparently. Sorta lies to NotLocke.
  NotLocke lies to the group. Lied to Claire.
 Widmore lies to Sawyer ?
  Sawyer & Zoe lie to each other.
 And I still don't think NotLocke intends to get anyone off the Island.

  I liked NotLocke calling Sawyer the best liar he had ever met. Is that a "takes one to know one" quote, or what?

  I'm also guessing we have not heard the last of NotLocke's "Mommy" issues...And speaking of that, do you think he's trying to manipulate Kate into killing or trying to kill Claire?

Other than that, what to say about Island life this week...How batshit crazy is Claire? What do you think was up with grabbing Kate's heand while Locke was talking to the group? Do you think she was having a "positive" moment(like she had near the end of the episode), and warning Kate not to contradict what Locke was saying about the Temple ? Not that I thought Kate was going to say anything, but maybe Claire did? Or was she trying to lull her into a false sense of safety, to pull off her sneak attack? Whatever it was, it was kinda creepy.

  And speaking of creepy...How about Sayid ? I think he is probably going to have a major redemptive moment in the second half of the season...Everything just seems to be weighing so heavily on him...I can't imagine he won't be allowed to redeem himself somehow.

  And did anyone else think that the "dramatic moment" at the end when sawyer said they were taking the sub was kind of stupid? Why was that played so dramatically? It would be easier to take the sub, wouldn't it?

 Speaking of the sub...Are we sure that Widmore wants Locke dead? he never said that, Sawyer did. Are we to assume that Widmore is on Jacob's side ? or just on his own side? Are we really to assume anything ?

  And who were all the dead people on the beach? were they the other survivors of the Ajira plane crash? Are we to think that Smokey killed them all?

  Alternate Reality

  Sawyer's a COP? What the what ? One potential issue I have with that...Did he see the handcuffs on Kate before he helped her in the airport?

  Good to see Miles and Charlotte. Did it look like Charlotte was digging in his dresser while she was looking for the shirt? Like she was looking for something else? I would guess not by how she reacted, but you never know, do you? Nice to see her kick Sawyer to the curb when he showed up at her apartment.

  Interesting to see Charlie's brother(looking fairly clean) at the Police station...Does this mean we are going to see Charlie again(good lord, I hope not) or was it just a nod to the audience(like the use of the code name "LaFleur") ?

 Also, I guess since Charlotte works with Miles' dad, that means that  Dr. Chang got off the Island before it sank? Or was he never there?

   Interesting that Sawyer is still hunting the guy who he holds responsible for his parent's deaths.I'm wondering how that will play out since it seems that Locke actually still has a relationship with his father in the A/R.

  Also interesting that Sawyer is the first one in the A/R so far to have a really negative reaction when looking in the mirror(smashing it). They have all sort of paused when looking at their reflections, but no one has been as angry or disgusted as Sawyer.

  Nice "people aren't really gone when they die." quote from "Little House"...Kinda has a different connotation on LOST, doesn't it ?

 And of course, it ends with Kate crashing into Sawyer, and Sawyer uttering yet another "Son of a bitch"es.

  So, what do you think ? What did I miss?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

LOST 6.7- "Dr. Linus"

Spoiler Alert...Blah,blah,blah....

Wow, this was a good one.
 I have always liked Ben. Even when he was being evil, there was something I liked about him.I think maybe it's because there was this bizarre purity in his manipulation ? I don't know what it was, but I was always pulling for Ben, and I was actually sorta depressed on Tuesday night when it looked like he was gonna join NotLocke's posse. I actually was more upset then when Sayid turned evil, I think only because Sayid's turning was sort of out of his hands, and Ben's, while made in a moment of self preservation and desperation, was still a choice.

But let's back up a bit first.

  Did anyone else think that Miles was going to lie about Ben killing Jacob? I kept flashing back to his attempted bribery of Ben in Season....3? Or maybe it was 4...I'm not sure anymore, but anyway, I was a little surprised when he told Ilana that Ben killed Jacob.Does Miles know that Ben killed his Dad in the Purge ? DID Ben kill Dr. Chaing in the purge ? Do we know? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone ? Bueller? Bueller ? Bueller?

  I loved the way Miles said "Uh-oh" when Ilana told Ben that Jacob "was the closest thing I ever had to a father." he was like a sassy kid on a '70's  sitcom.
  I also thought it was interesting that Jacob hoped that he was wrong about Ben until the moment Ben stabbed him.
  One other Miles question: I have not been able to go back and watch it again, did he say that Nikki & Paulo were buried alive, or did he just say that they were buried with diamonds?

 The one real problem I had with this whole Ilana/Ben thing was why Ilana would stand so far away while he was digging. Not a big problem, but it seemed a bit odd, and mostly so that Ben could run and get to the rifle. Though I must admit that I thought there would be no rifle when Ben got there.

  I did like Ben's plea to Ilana, and I liked that she was willing to have him in the fold(though I suspect it was as much to keep him away from Locke as anything else). Though one certainly must question Bens' motives, a sit is hard to think he would turn down the chance to be in charge of the Island, but I am hooping he's just smart enough to know that NotLocke is not to be trusted, and not that he is going to sabotage Ilana & crew to help out NotLocke.

  I did feel bad for Ben as he was explaining his actions to Ilana, and that little speech makes me think that he actually does regret things.

  Bne helping Sun when he returned to the camp raised my same questions about what exactly Sun is up to, and that was only intensified when that scene was followed by the BIG REVEAL of the episode....WIDMORE!!!!! Do you think that Widmore is the person that Jacob wanted to help find the island? Was Widmore banished against Jacob's wishes? Whose side is he on? Was he helping Locke knowing that Locke was a pawn for the MIB?

  It was good to see Richard again, and to finally get our answer that he did arrive on the island via the Black Rock.  Glad that Jack wouldn't let him die.Pretty cool to see a beach reunion again.

  Ilana said that she was there to protect the Candidates to replace Jacob, and now there are 6...Who are the 6? 1.Hurley 2. Jack 3. Sawyer 4. Kwon(Jin or Sun) 5. Kate ? 6. ? Is it Lapidus? he said he was supposed to be flying Flight 815, and the Island did manage to get him there another way(TWICE,actually).

 Alternate Reality:

   First of all: Great to see Doc Arzt, Alex & Ben's Dad again.I was a little bummed that we did not get to see a non-crazy Rousseau, but we can't have it all, I suppose, and maybe we'll get to see her in another episode.
 And does William Atheron(the guy who played the Principal), ever NOT play a dick? Ghostbusters, Real Genius,Die Hard...Now LOST,jeepers, what a creep.

  I think this was my favorite alternate reality episode so far. I liked how tightly it tied to both the back story and current episode on the Island.

  It was interesting to see Ben as someone who was uncomfortable with the kind of blackmail/manipulation that was second nature to him on the Island.And I must admit, for a split second, when he entered the Principal's office, I thought he had disregarded Alex' future and taken Reynolds' job anyway. Very glad to see that he didn't. I did like the use of the phrase "unfortunate side effect".

  Also liked Locke being the one who planted the seed of Ben being the Principal. Very clever.

  Alright, so what did I miss ? What did you guys think ?


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lost 6.6- Sundown

Spoiler...Blah blah blah...

Say it ain't SO, Sayid!

  This one was kinda depressing. Sayid was one of my favorite characters,and to see him succumb like that was sad really.

  I did like how he handled Keamy in the Alternate reality, though.It was neat how they showed him size up that kitchen when they walked him into it.

  What first, Alternate Reality or island ? I thought much less happened of interest in the AR, so let's get that out of the way, first.

  So, Nadia is married to Sayid's brother, because Sayid feels he doesn't "deserve her". His brother gets in trouble with a loan shark, Sayid bails him out kills loan shark, and then finds Jin locked in a closet.
  Is Sayid actually a translator ?

  What is Jin doing in the closet? Did he screw something up with Keamy? Was he set up by Paik?

  Back to the island....Sayid go4es to Dogon for answers, they fight,and Sayid loses, and is banished, presumably because Dogon cannot kill him...Why can't he? Is he not allowed to kill, or can he just not do it?
   Miles tells Sayid that he was dead for 2 hours...The spring didn't save him.

  After Claire shows up with the message from Not-Locke, Dogon tells Sayid that things have changed, and that he now needs Sayid to kill Not-Locke, who he says is "evil incarnate". Dogon warns Sayid that if Not-Locke speaks, it's too late. Did he mean that literally ? is that why it did not work when Sayid stabbed him? Or did Dogon want Not-Locke to kill Sayid? I'm not sure on this.Claire did say that maybe Dogon should send someone that Not-Locke won't kill.

  Not-Locke is clearly a manipulator, and seemingly an outright liar. I don't know exactly how he intends to get Claire back to Aaron. By taking her off the island ? She's convinced(by Not-Locke) that the Others have Aaron on the Island. It seems to me that Not-Locke is telling anyone anything they want to hear to help him...That generally doesn't end up working out well.

  Do you think Kate, Sawyer and Jin are with Not-Locke? or are they just keeping themselves alive ? And where is sawyer ? i presume that Jin is in Claire's "hut",is Sawyer with him?

 I guess it's a little bit clearer who the 'bad guy" is now ?He did say that he would kill "the ones who don't do what I say?"...that doesn't sound like a good guy to me.

  Also, when will Claire turn on Kate ?

We learned Dogon's back story...And of course he died right after. I wonder who else on the island made deals with Jacob? Not-Locke ? Richard ?

  Naveen Andrews is pretty good at playing crazy/evil, huh? That look he gave Ben was creeeeeeepy!

  Was it me, or did Ben seem genuinely concerned about Sayid before he got terrified ?

  So, now Sun knows that Jin is still alive.I wonder how that will all play out.

  Here's something that occurred to me last night...Did they ever resolve the plotline about Sun working with Widmore ?Or is it possible that she is somehow still working with him ?

  Okay, what did you guys think? What did I miss ?