Wednesday, March 17, 2010

LOST 6.8 Recon


Not a great episode, in my opinion, but I'm not a big sawyer OR Kate fan, so that's that.

  I also didn't think there was really all that much information in this episode either, quite frankly. I guess it was maybe meant as a bit of a palate cleanser between the two halves of the season ?(alas, it is half over...sniff..sob).

 It did seem sorta like this episode was everybody lying to everybody else.


  Sawyer lies to Widmore, lies to Jin, apparently. Sorta lies to NotLocke.
  NotLocke lies to the group. Lied to Claire.
 Widmore lies to Sawyer ?
  Sawyer & Zoe lie to each other.
 And I still don't think NotLocke intends to get anyone off the Island.

  I liked NotLocke calling Sawyer the best liar he had ever met. Is that a "takes one to know one" quote, or what?

  I'm also guessing we have not heard the last of NotLocke's "Mommy" issues...And speaking of that, do you think he's trying to manipulate Kate into killing or trying to kill Claire?

Other than that, what to say about Island life this week...How batshit crazy is Claire? What do you think was up with grabbing Kate's heand while Locke was talking to the group? Do you think she was having a "positive" moment(like she had near the end of the episode), and warning Kate not to contradict what Locke was saying about the Temple ? Not that I thought Kate was going to say anything, but maybe Claire did? Or was she trying to lull her into a false sense of safety, to pull off her sneak attack? Whatever it was, it was kinda creepy.

  And speaking of creepy...How about Sayid ? I think he is probably going to have a major redemptive moment in the second half of the season...Everything just seems to be weighing so heavily on him...I can't imagine he won't be allowed to redeem himself somehow.

  And did anyone else think that the "dramatic moment" at the end when sawyer said they were taking the sub was kind of stupid? Why was that played so dramatically? It would be easier to take the sub, wouldn't it?

 Speaking of the sub...Are we sure that Widmore wants Locke dead? he never said that, Sawyer did. Are we to assume that Widmore is on Jacob's side ? or just on his own side? Are we really to assume anything ?

  And who were all the dead people on the beach? were they the other survivors of the Ajira plane crash? Are we to think that Smokey killed them all?

  Alternate Reality

  Sawyer's a COP? What the what ? One potential issue I have with that...Did he see the handcuffs on Kate before he helped her in the airport?

  Good to see Miles and Charlotte. Did it look like Charlotte was digging in his dresser while she was looking for the shirt? Like she was looking for something else? I would guess not by how she reacted, but you never know, do you? Nice to see her kick Sawyer to the curb when he showed up at her apartment.

  Interesting to see Charlie's brother(looking fairly clean) at the Police station...Does this mean we are going to see Charlie again(good lord, I hope not) or was it just a nod to the audience(like the use of the code name "LaFleur") ?

 Also, I guess since Charlotte works with Miles' dad, that means that  Dr. Chang got off the Island before it sank? Or was he never there?

   Interesting that Sawyer is still hunting the guy who he holds responsible for his parent's deaths.I'm wondering how that will play out since it seems that Locke actually still has a relationship with his father in the A/R.

  Also interesting that Sawyer is the first one in the A/R so far to have a really negative reaction when looking in the mirror(smashing it). They have all sort of paused when looking at their reflections, but no one has been as angry or disgusted as Sawyer.

  Nice "people aren't really gone when they die." quote from "Little House"...Kinda has a different connotation on LOST, doesn't it ?

 And of course, it ends with Kate crashing into Sawyer, and Sawyer uttering yet another "Son of a bitch"es.

  So, what do you think ? What did I miss?

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