Wednesday, March 31, 2010

LOST 6.10 "The Package"

Spoiler Alert...Blah blah blah!

So, now we know once and for all(I think) that Widmore is NOT on  Flocke's side. Beyond that, I don't know what we are supposed to think about him.

So, Island, first?

  Starts with night vision, which turns out to be the Widmorians surveiling the Flockians.

  Flocke talking to Sayid- Was that depressing or what ? I STILL think that Sayid is going to end up sacrificing himself to save the good guys...He just doesn't seem comfortable being soulless and unfeeling.

  Flocke talks to Jin about his name being on the wall,a nd how Flocke needs him. Seems to just creep Jin out some more.
  Flocke goes off to try and recruit Sun...Jin decides that he is getting out of camp...The Widmorians come in and tranq everybody, and then take Jin.

  Flocke sees Sun and tries to convince her to come with him...She ain't buying it and runs away...Flocke chases until she hits her head.

  Flocke returns to camp, tells Claire that he is "3 people shy of getting off this Island", but that he still needs Claire, even though her name isn't on the wall anymore. It seems that Claire doesn't want to leave, but Flocke essentially tells her that after Kate convinces the "other 3" to leave with Flocke, then Kate is no longer needed(Claire can kill her).
  Something about that conversation has me more convinced than ever that Flocke plans to kill at least the Candidates, if not everyone before he leaves.

  Richard returns to the Ilana-ites, and he tells them that they have to go destroy the plane because it is the Flocke's only way off the Island.This sends Sun into a tirade(in Korean, because her knock on the noggin has knocked out her ability to speak English) about how she doesn't care about destiny or mission, she wants her family on one place at the same time.


  Flocke and Sayid go to see Widmore to get Jin back. Flocke tells the Widmorians that he "Comes in peace." Riiiiight. Widmore tells him that he doesn't have Kwon(which might be true-he may not know yet).Flocke asks Widmore if Widmore knows who he is. Widmore responds that what he knows is a "combination of myth, ghost stories and jungle noises in the night."

  Flocke responds, "A wise man once said that war is coming to this Island. I think it just got here."

Jack convinces Sun that he will get her and Jin off the Island.

Jin wakes up in Room 23(Carl's brainwash room) and demands to talk to Widmore. Widmore shows Jin pictures of his daughter and Sun, and tells him that if Flocke succeeds, then everyone will "cease to exist".
He then takes Jin to show him a "package".
  We see the Widmorians taking DESMOND off the sub!!!! So does Sayid, who is playing frogman recon guy in the water.

   Jin and Sun are not married.
  Jin was delivering the money as payment for his own execution.
 JIn and Sun are having a secret affair(also why Jin is being murdered).
   Sun cannot speak English, but wants to run away to U.S. with Jin. She has a secret bank account.
Keamey comes to the hotel room and tells them they need to give him the money, which has been confiscated by customs. Keamey brings in Mikhail(with 2 eyes!) to translate, and Sun says that she can go to the bank and get the money. Mikhail goes with Sun to get the money, Keamey takes Jin to the restaurant.

  The bank account is empty. Sun's father emptied it.
Sayid kills the bad guys and gives Jin the razor so he can free himself.Mikhail and Sun arrive, Jin and Mikhail struggle, Mikhail gets shot in the eye!!! Pregnant Sun also gets shot.


  Apparently, Flocke cannot become the smoke monster whenever he wants(Sawyer saying "that would be ridiculous" was one of the best lines of the series so far)...But when can he?

  What is Desmond there for?

  What does Widmore know about Flocke?

  What does Alpert know about Flocke?

  What does Ben know about Flocke?

  I liked that Flocke was not able to corrupt either Jin or Sun. Nice to see,.

  Flocke told Calire that Kate was not on the wall anymore...Is that true? Or did he lie to her? If her name isn't on the wall....Why not?

Why is Widmore looking for the electromagnetic pockets?

  One more thing, that doesn't necessarily have to do with last night's show...Did Elosie tell them they had to take Locke's body because they needed it to show them that Flocke was NOT Locke ?Or was the "proxy" thing real?

 Okay, so what did i miss ? What do youse guyses think ?

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