Wednesday, April 21, 2010

LOST 6.13- The Last Recruit

Spoiler Alert...The Bacon has gone bad! Again, the bacon has gone bad!

Well,well, well...Things seem to be unraveling for our Flocke now, don't they?

  All over the place, thing seem top be moving rather fast.

 Island first...Flocke wants to speak to Jack alone. This points to one of my main reasons for thinking that Flocke is a bad guy...He always wants to talk to people "alone". It seems that he doesn't want anyone to have all the information.That seems like a bad thing to me.
   Anyway, Jack and Flocke have a talk(BTW, I very much liked Jack asking Hurley if it was okay to talk to Locke alone);
  Jack: Why John Locke ?
  Flocke- "Because he was stupid enough to believe he was brought here for a reason.Because he pursued that belief until it got him killed. And because you were nice enough to bring his body back in a nice wooden box"

  OUCH. Poor Locke.Okay, John Locke has to be redeemed at some point, doesn't he?  Can they really just be this cruel to him?

  Then we find out that the MIB was appearing as Christian in order to help Jack find water and manipulate Claire.
  Tells Jack that they all have to leave together. I still would like someone to ask him a follow-up question on that.WHY do they ALL have to leave? Nobody has asked that, have they? I understand that for getting the Oceanic 6 back to the Island they had to try and recreate the original flight(though I question the logic of that a bit, and I think we need to find out about Eloise Hawking allegiances before we know that that was, in fact, true), but why do they all need to leave together?

 Flocke also says that Locke was not a believer, he was a sucker. Ouch again.

 Claire tells Jack that he decided he was with Flocke as soon as he let Flocke talk to him. I don't buy that, but perhaps is that why Widmore turned on the people on the beach at the end? Are they all "infected" by Flocke? But then wouldn't Widmore be as well?

Sawyer tells Hurley that Sayid has gone "to the Dark Side" and Hurley makes an Anakin Skywalker reference about bringing people back from the dark side....Hmmmm...Does this mean something?

  Zoe and the Sub Bunch show up and blow up some trees to show how tough they are(GHurley's line of "People trying to kill us again" when asked what was up was priceless), and demand that Flocke return what he took from them, or they will get more of the same, but worse. Locke destroys the walkie-talkie Zoe gives him, indicating he has no intention of returning Desmond.
  he then makes himself out to be the victim, saying that they are "Claiming we stole something from them."
He's a lying liar who lies!! he tells everyone that they are going to Hydra Island. He sends Sawyer to go get the boat, and Sayid to go kill Desmond.
  Sawyer takes Kate with him, and tells Jack to bring Hurley, Sun and Lapidus to meet them. Jack asks about Sayid and Claire, Sawyer responds" Sayid's a zombie and Claire's NUTS." AWESOME line.
   Sayid goes to kill Desmond. Desmond asks Sayid what Flocke offered him.Desmond then asks what Sayid will tell Nadia when they are reunited.
  Flocke goes back to check on Sayid, Jack takes the opportunity to take his folks and go. Claire sees them and follows. Kate allows Claire onto the boat. Claire says when Flocke finds out.. "He's gonna be mad."
  Flocke finds Sayid, and Sayid says he killed Desmond...What do you think ? I don't think he did it. Fro one, we didn't see it happen, and the first rule of tee vee is, if you didn't SEE it happen, you don't KNOW that it actually happened. Plus, did Sayid seem a little different when talking to Flocke? I thought he seemed a bit different...Perhaps a little more lively?
  On the boat, Jack doubts what they are doing and Sawyer tells him to get off the boat if he's not with them.Jack jumps into the water.
  jack and Locke are reunited on the beach.
  When the Boaties get to shore, they are greeted by Zoe and the Sub Bunch. JIN AND SUN GET REUNITED!!!!!!!!!!! And Sun gets her voice back.
  THEN, Zoe gets th order from Widmore to take them all into custody. And they order the air strike on Flocke----AND JACK!!! Flocke saves Jack and says.."It's alright. You're with me now." DUN-DUN!!!!

  Locke wakes up in the ambulance and says he was supposed to marry Helen Norwood,and that his first name is John. Sun is riding along on the gurney next to him, and she says-"No! No! It's him!!" Which I'm guessing is a bleed over from island world.
  Sawyer thinks that he and Kate seem fated, Kate correctly guesses that Sawyer didn't arrest her at the airport because he didn't want to explain why he was at the airport. Kate once again proclaims her innocence, which she did not do in the regular reality, if I'm not mistaken. I don't think she ever said she was innocent...So could she actually be innocent in the A/R?
  Sawyer and Miles go and arrest Sayid for the murders at the restaurant.
  Desmond just "happens" to run into Claire as she is going to the adoption agency, and convinces her to have legal representation.He brings her to a lawyer on the (gasp) 15th floor!! That lawyer turns out to be(gasp) Ilana!! Who has been looking for Claire(gasp)!! She has been looking for Claire because she is going to be reading Christian's will.. Jack and Claire meet and find out that they are brother and sister.
  Jack gets called to the hospital to operate on....JOHN LOCKE!!!
  And Jin and Sun and the baby are fine!!!

  Alright...What did I miss? What do you guys think? Did Sayid kill Desmond?

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