Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lost 6.5- Lighthouse-"We weren't looking for it."

Spoiler Blah blah blah.

So, Claire's Crazy AND being manipulated by a, if not evil, at least extremely self serving(to the detriment of those around him) force. That's gonna work out well for everybody, isn't it ?

  So, Claire thinks that the Others have her baby because her dad and her "friend" told her so. I'm guessing we are supposed to think that those two people are both the MIB, right ? And he has convinced her that the Others have her kid so she will do just what she did last night- kill and/or torture them.

  My other big question is: Does Claire see the MIB as Locke ? Or because she's been "claimed"(or infected, or whatever) does she see him as the MIB, or as a pillar of smoke ?

  And how creepy was that "baby" she had in the bassinet ? Yikes!!

  The one other thing that I thought was interesting, before she axed BLT, he told Claire that she was remembering her time in the temple wrong. What does that mean ? It looks like they did the same things to her that they did to Sayid, but what else happened while she was there ? Because it seems like she's remembering the "test" pretty well.

The lighthouse- That was pretty crazy, huh ? I guess we got another glimpse at what the numbers mean...But I still am not sure how they ended up on the hatch, or why they were the numbers typed into the computer.Or why they drove the guy that Hurley heard them from crazy.

  Who do you think 108 is ? My guess is Desmond.

 I thought Hurley was great in this episode. I loved his question about Adam & Eve. And comparing Jacob to Obi-Wan Kenobi.
 Funny that Jacob knew exactly what to say to get Jack "motivated" to go to the Lighthouse with Hurley.Reference his Dad. Good old Jack.
  I did feel bad for Jack when he said the he came back to the island because he was broken, and he was stupid enough to think that the island could fix him. I think that maybe it will in the long run.

Did anyone else think that now that we have seen the lighthouse, that maybe the cave is actually the MIB's "office" or "lab" and Jacob's is in the lighthouse?

I'm very curious what will go on with Sayid.

  Any significance to Miles & Hurley playing Tic-tac-toe?

  Alternate Reality:
    Jack's a Dad! And wants to be a good one.

Jen very wisely pointed out that the initial communication between jack and David is like Micheal & Walt.

 When David was gone, I immediately thought that he had been kidnapped. I keep waiting for the Island world to infringe on the Alternate Reality.

  Do you think David's Mom will be someone we already know ?

  How crazy was it to see Dogon at the conservatory ? I must admit, I am really liking how they are plugging all these people into each other's lives.
Okay, what did I miss ? What do you guys think ?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lost 6.04 The Substitute

Spoiler alert, blah,.blah.blah...Don't read until you've seen the episode!!

Well, things certainly got a little more interesting last night, didn't they ?

Finally, we get a Locke/Not-Locke story.
  We see John return home from the airport in the Alternate Reality- he's still with Helen. He doesn't seem as angry as he was in the other time line( he took the face plant onto the lawn and the sprinklers coming on pretty well, I thought).There were still flashes of the other reality Locke, but he was definitely different.Happier, in general, but still a bit troubled.He also still has  relationship with his Dad, apparently...Why is he in the wheelchair, then? Did he reconcile with his Dad after his dad threw him out a window ?
  Then he gets fired, runs into Hurley, who offers him another job at his temp agency, where he runs into the psychic that Hurley's Dad paid to "exorcise" Hurley in the original reality, and then to Rose, who is her fantastic, matter of fact self with Locke...And THEN, he runs into BEN LINUS-high school teacher ? WHAT?!?!?!?!? I totally did not see that coming! I thought he was going to run into Dr. Arzt, but BEN!?!?!?!? That was just craziness! I did like when Helen was asking what the odds of running into a spinal surgeon were.
  I also think that last night Rose solidified her place as one of my favorite characters on the show. She's just so no-nonsense and awesome. I lover her!
  Now, on the ISLAND-We get to see things from Smokey's perspective, that was pretty cool. I thought the conversation between Not-Locke and Richard Alpert was pretty interesting. Its' hard to tell whether he is telling the truth, lying, or whether he's lying but he believes what he's saying, when he portrays Jacob as the bad guy in all of this.Richard is certainly terrified of Not-Locke.He didn't buy "I would have treated you with respect.", that's for sure. he also mentioned Locke as a "candidate", but more about that later.And who was the kid that Not-Locke & Sawyer saw but Richard didn't ? Or was Richard just trying to freak Not-Locke out ? My gut reaction is that the kid is Jacob reincarnated somehow...But then that just seems crazy when I write it down.
   I thought the Not-Locke/Sawyer interaction was pretty interesting. I particularly liked when Sawyer said"Locke was scared, even when he was pretending he wasn't." At first I thought Not-Locke was going to try and engineer an accident that kills Sawyer, but now it seems like he wants to use him to get off the island.I'm wondering how much Sawyer believes/trusts Not-Locke, he seems like he should be a bit smarter than that, so I wonder if he's working an angle.
  And that brings us to the cave, and a partial explanation of why they are on the island, and of the numbers.
  42-Kwon(which one?)

 I also noticed Rousseau's name on the wall, but her number was 20. And then the big question(or one of them anyway)- Where was Kate's number ? And Why didn't Sawyer ask about that ?
   Not-Locke says that they are candidates to take over as protectors of the Island. But from what? Not-Locke says from nothing, but I don't know that we are meant to believe him.

  Okay, I'm tired...That's what I got so far. What do y'all think ? What did I miss ?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

LOST 6.3- "What Kate Does"(Do Not Read Until You Have Watched the Episode)

I dunno...Kind of a let down episode after the premiere, if you ask me. Not a bad episode, but I thought that Claire being the big reveal at the end was sort of expected, as we knew she was coming back, and she was so central to the alternate reality timeline last night, it wasn't that shocking...And really, ever since she was sitting in the cabin with Christian with that evil look on her face, that she was "affected" in some way.

  I guess the big question is what exactly does "affected" mean ? Does it mean evil ? Does it mean crazy ? Was Rousseau "affected' ? I think we are at least supposed to consider the possibility, with the raps that Claire had set and all, that she has replaced Rousseau as the island "crazy cat lady" so to speak.

  Or does "affected" mean something worse than that? Is it some sort of cahoots with the MIB ? Is the Claire that was in the cabin with Christian the same one that shot the Others and trapped Jin last night ? Or was the Claire in the cabin just an island specter manifestation thing ? I don't know....I just don't know.

  And another thing with the "infected" thing...Was the poison going to kill Sayid, or kill the "darkness" inside him? Why did he need to take it willingly ? If they wanted to kill him, why not just kill him ? Could they not "just" kill him ? Does he have to be poisoned ? Or do they need Sayid to be alive, but the "darkness" to die? Is Sayid one of the people they "need" or not ?

   Let's head to the alternate reality for a minute. I was sort of expecting that we were going to recognize the couple that Claire was going to give her baby to, but I didn't. Did anyone else ?

  How crazy was it to see Ethan ? And I guess the fact that his name was Goodspeed tells us that he was in fact, Hiorace's son ? Here's the bigger question...Do you think that it means that he has never been to the island ? Does that fit the timeline ? Interesting either way, and it was also interesting watching Ethan not be all creepy and menacing for once.

 I liked the look between Kate and Jack as she was escaping the airport, and i like how it set us up to think that the doctor she walked up to in the hospital was going to be Jack, but no, it was ETHAN!!!!
  Interesting that Claire somehow "knew" to name her son Aaron.

 That's about all i got for the alternate reality timeline this week, anything I missed ?

  Back to the Island timeline. I actually felt bad for Sawyer when he was talking about Juliet.It was good to hear that he blamed himself for her death, because the hating Jack for it thing was gonna get tired pretty quick. It is kind of sad that he has completely reverted to not caring about anyone...I'm assuming there will be a moment where that will change again. Will it be Kate that inspires it ? After Sawyer's speech about Juliet tonight, I kinda hope it isn't.

  I liked Jack's exchanges with Dogan.I'm digging Dogan as a character.I think he's a good addition. I do wonder when he was brought to the island, though.
  I did like how Dogan played Jack like a fiddle to get him to give Sayid the pill by asking why sayid died and all that."Here is your chance for redemption". Awesome!
  Two favorite lines in the episode ?
  Sayid: No, I am not a zombie. Just the way he said it, like he really wanted to put Hurley at ease.

  Miles: "We'll be in the food court if you need us."  HA!!

I did like Miles acknowledging Hurley's new leadership skills, though I think he was being sarcastic.

  So, that's my take...What did I miss ? Whaddy'all think ?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

LOST 6.1 & 6.2- LAX Parts 1 & 2

Do not keep reading unless you have seen the Season 6 premiere(if you don't wanna know what happened)!!

So, what the hell was THAT all about ?
  I'm thinking I'm not gonna recount the whole episode, just kinda throw out some of the interesting stuff, is that cool with everyone ?

  I guess this season will be about alternate realities, eh ?

  It seems as though we are looking at one reality in which the plane landed safely at LAX, and one where the plane crashed as it had before. Maybe ?

  Upon the episode ending, my first thought was that what was going to happen was that the bomb detonation had kept the plane from crashing, but the "important" people were still going to end up on the island in 2007. It seemed that fate was keeping them connected.Kate & Sawyer, Kate & Claire, Jack & Locke, etc. And that fate/destiny/Jacob was still going to put them all on the island in the "present day" on the show.

  I am now realizing(with help from good old Doc Arzt )that I may have misread the opening pan through the underwater island(or actually sort of glossed over it completely-kind of embarrassing).What if the detonation of the bomb submerged the island ? And THAT'S what we were seeing in the pan down from the plane ? So the people on the island in 2007 exist in an "alternate reality" where the plane still crashed ? How the hell will THAT get resolved ? I am pretty excited to find out.

  The only question I have about the theory is that Jack seemed to have some inkling on the plane that there was something weird going on.And what's the deal with the cut on his neck ? And why was Desmond on the plane ?

  Some questions answered...I guess we know what the smoke monster is now.

         The MIB says to Richard that it was nice to see him out of those chains...Could Richard have been a slave on the Black Rock ? Or was he imprisoned on the island at some point ? He definitely knew who the MIB was, that's for sure.

  I thought it was interesting for Ben to come to the realization that he was completely played by the MIB. It was sort of sad. I thought it was interesting when Ben asks why "Jacob didn't fight back" and the MIB says that "Maybe he knew he was beaten."  Do you think that's true ? He seemed to what Ben to choose not to kill him, but he didn't do anything to stop it. Could he not try to stop it ? Or is it going to be like Asland in Narnia, where his dying will make him more powerful ?

  Let's see, what else was there... The MIB told Ben that he wants to go home... Where do you think that is ? Is it on or off the island ? Why is he captive in the first place ?

 Also, the ash is used to protect from Smokey, do you think it was keeping him in or out of the cabin ?

  I liked seeing Hurley taking on a bit of a leadership role. It suits him.

  It was interesting to see Ben try to stay in control after he left the temple, but Richard was having none of it.

 How does Juliet know that "it worked"?

  Will there be more significance to the airline losing Jack's Dad ? or was it just to get Jack & Locke together?

 Will Sawyer try to con Hurley ?

Also  what did MIB mean when he said "I'm very disappointed in ALL of you ?"

  Okay, what did I miss ? What did y'all think ?