Wednesday, February 3, 2010

LOST 6.1 & 6.2- LAX Parts 1 & 2

Do not keep reading unless you have seen the Season 6 premiere(if you don't wanna know what happened)!!

So, what the hell was THAT all about ?
  I'm thinking I'm not gonna recount the whole episode, just kinda throw out some of the interesting stuff, is that cool with everyone ?

  I guess this season will be about alternate realities, eh ?

  It seems as though we are looking at one reality in which the plane landed safely at LAX, and one where the plane crashed as it had before. Maybe ?

  Upon the episode ending, my first thought was that what was going to happen was that the bomb detonation had kept the plane from crashing, but the "important" people were still going to end up on the island in 2007. It seemed that fate was keeping them connected.Kate & Sawyer, Kate & Claire, Jack & Locke, etc. And that fate/destiny/Jacob was still going to put them all on the island in the "present day" on the show.

  I am now realizing(with help from good old Doc Arzt )that I may have misread the opening pan through the underwater island(or actually sort of glossed over it completely-kind of embarrassing).What if the detonation of the bomb submerged the island ? And THAT'S what we were seeing in the pan down from the plane ? So the people on the island in 2007 exist in an "alternate reality" where the plane still crashed ? How the hell will THAT get resolved ? I am pretty excited to find out.

  The only question I have about the theory is that Jack seemed to have some inkling on the plane that there was something weird going on.And what's the deal with the cut on his neck ? And why was Desmond on the plane ?

  Some questions answered...I guess we know what the smoke monster is now.

         The MIB says to Richard that it was nice to see him out of those chains...Could Richard have been a slave on the Black Rock ? Or was he imprisoned on the island at some point ? He definitely knew who the MIB was, that's for sure.

  I thought it was interesting for Ben to come to the realization that he was completely played by the MIB. It was sort of sad. I thought it was interesting when Ben asks why "Jacob didn't fight back" and the MIB says that "Maybe he knew he was beaten."  Do you think that's true ? He seemed to what Ben to choose not to kill him, but he didn't do anything to stop it. Could he not try to stop it ? Or is it going to be like Asland in Narnia, where his dying will make him more powerful ?

  Let's see, what else was there... The MIB told Ben that he wants to go home... Where do you think that is ? Is it on or off the island ? Why is he captive in the first place ?

 Also, the ash is used to protect from Smokey, do you think it was keeping him in or out of the cabin ?

  I liked seeing Hurley taking on a bit of a leadership role. It suits him.

  It was interesting to see Ben try to stay in control after he left the temple, but Richard was having none of it.

 How does Juliet know that "it worked"?

  Will there be more significance to the airline losing Jack's Dad ? or was it just to get Jack & Locke together?

 Will Sawyer try to con Hurley ?

Also  what did MIB mean when he said "I'm very disappointed in ALL of you ?"

  Okay, what did I miss ? What did y'all think ?


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