Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Top Chef

Though the lovely Miss. Padma Lakshmi does not make it difficult to tune in every week, either.
I'm not exactly sure why I enjoy it so much. I don't have a particularly refined palate(I'm pretty much a cheeseburger guy, to be honest...and bacon-lots and lots of bacon in and on everything), so a lot of the food they make does not really appeal to me. But I guess I like the interactions, and the preparation of the food, I actually do find fascinating sometimes, even if it's food I would not touch with a ten foot pole.
On the current season, Antonia, Spike,Lisa, Richard and Stephanie are left. Honestly, once Lisa gets eliminated(hopefully next week), I really don't care who wins, though I am guessing that Richard will.
Why do I want Lisa eliminated ? She's negative, she's a whiner, she always looks like she just smelled some thing bad, and she has blames every negative thing that happens on someone else. I would guess I am in the minority in not wanting Spike eliminated. the people I know who watch the show do not like him.He's kind of a schemer, but there's something about him I like. That said, i don't think he will win.
I think it will come down to Antonia and Richard. Antonia has been coming on strong, and Richard has probably been the most consistently good contestant all season.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
American Idol
Wow !! They crowned a new American Idol last night !!! I wonder what...Oh wait...That's right, I don't give a shit. Sorry.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Have I told you all how much I LOOOOOVE this show ?
I think it maybe the funniest show on television.
I love David Caruso removing and replacing his sunglasses. The dramatic pauses. the one liners. the Roger Daltrey scream from the show's theme song("Won't Get Fooled Again" by the Who), which they seemed to be drifting away from the last few shows, and I hope they correct that next year. Back to the basics: Crime scene, Horatio arrives, removes his sunglasses, surveys the scene, asks a question or two, has dramatic line(my favorite was in the episode when a couple was getting divorced, and they divided their house with green lasers, and Horatio says "Welcome to divorce...of the future.") and replaces his sunglasses as we cut to the opening credits and the scream from "Won't Get Fooled Again".
I love how they dress. I eagerly await the "evidence in front of the cleavage" shot in each show. Though the lovely Khandi Alexander will certainly be missed when it comes to the cleavage shots...Perhaps they will have to bring in a new female officer to up the ante. I swear, I am fully expecting one of these days for them to have one of the female CSI's kneel down at a crime scene and flash a thong. It will happen, mark my words people...And I will stand and applaud.
Speaking of missing Khandi Alexander, more than her ample bosom, I think I will miss the creepy way that she addressed the corpses as "baby"...It just gave me the willies.
And how about that season finale cliffhanger ? WHO shot Horatio Caine ? Will he die ? But more importantly, will they bring back the fiery,buxom cop that was married to Horatio's brother, but that Horatio was always in love with to be by his bedside ?

(cue "Won't Get Fooled Again")
Saturday, May 17, 2008
You Know What I Miss ?
Jason lee saying "I'm just tryin' to be a better person" before saying "My name is Earl" at the beginning of each episode of "My Name Is Earl".
Friday, May 16, 2008
Okay, I am an unabashed and unashamed devotee of LOST.
I love this show.Love it.Love it. Love it. Love it. I even loved the much maligned second season. I guess I always had faith that the creators had already written an ending, so that it was not actually off the rails. Perhaps it was, but I was still enjoying it. I'll admit that I did not love the Nikki/Paolo episode, but I was not as horrified by it as some others were.
I will also freely admit that there are many fans of LOST who are much more devoted/obsessed than I am(Twin two year olds will tend to split your focus a bit), and I am, quite simply, also not smart enough to catch all of the references(particularly the literary ones), but I do scan some of the websites and blogs that are dedicated to the show, and I do visit Nikki over at Nik At Nite
every Friday morning to see what her take on the show was, and maybe throw in an opinion/theory or two if I feel particularly bold.
Onto last night's episode "There's No Place Like Home, Part 1", which was the first hour of the three hour season finale(hence the Part 1-duh), and was kinda light on action, as I think it was mostly setting up the two hour conclusion of the season finale which is in two weeks(jerky Grey's Anatomy!).
It did include the Oceanic Six finally being returned to civilisation. Which was exciting, but kind of anti-climactic, since we all knew they were going to get there anyway.
What I AM curious about, is who came up with the lie they are telling ? Was it them ? was it Oceanic Airlines ? What of the rescue is true ? Did they leave the island on the small rescue boat from the freighter ?
And my mind is still buzzing with what exactly "moving the island" means/entails.
And who/what is trying to drive Hurley crazy ? is it Abbadon ? the Island ?
I am bummed that it seems that Jin is really going to die. I was hoping that maybe he was just left on the island, and they had to say he was dead. But Sun's anger last night seemed fairly genuine, and I pity whoever the OTHER person she thinks is responsible for his death is, they are in for some pain, I think, as is her Dad.
What is Ben's plan ? I have this feeling that Ben has been manipulating Locke the WHOLE TIME. I almost think that he DID know that Locke wouldn't die when he shot him and left him in the ditch. Ben seems to actually be in control of just about EVERYTHING(minus the killing of Alex-I think he was legitimately surprised and saddened by that.) Is it bad that I am starting to sort of like/appreciate Ben ? I'm guessing it is.
Who rigged the C4 in the boat ? Was it Keamy, to make sure they couldn't leave without him ?
I'm gonna be kinda pissed if the kill Desmond.
I think that's all I got for now. Anything you want to add ?
I totally forgot about Farraday knowing about the Orchid Station ! How did he know that ? Does Keamy intend to use the Orchid to "torch the island", much the same way that Ben/Locke intend to use it to move the island ? Farraday definitely knew that nothing good comes from the Orchid.
I also forgot to mention that I receive these updates from Entertainment Weekly magazine from their resident LOST guy Jeff Jensen. he's usually got some interesting(and sometimes some waaaay out) stuff.
Okay, I am an unabashed and unashamed devotee of LOST.
I love this show.Love it.Love it. Love it. Love it. I even loved the much maligned second season. I guess I always had faith that the creators had already written an ending, so that it was not actually off the rails. Perhaps it was, but I was still enjoying it. I'll admit that I did not love the Nikki/Paolo episode, but I was not as horrified by it as some others were.
I will also freely admit that there are many fans of LOST who are much more devoted/obsessed than I am(Twin two year olds will tend to split your focus a bit), and I am, quite simply, also not smart enough to catch all of the references(particularly the literary ones), but I do scan some of the websites and blogs that are dedicated to the show, and I do visit Nikki over at Nik At Nite
every Friday morning to see what her take on the show was, and maybe throw in an opinion/theory or two if I feel particularly bold.
Onto last night's episode "There's No Place Like Home, Part 1", which was the first hour of the three hour season finale(hence the Part 1-duh), and was kinda light on action, as I think it was mostly setting up the two hour conclusion of the season finale which is in two weeks(jerky Grey's Anatomy!).
It did include the Oceanic Six finally being returned to civilisation. Which was exciting, but kind of anti-climactic, since we all knew they were going to get there anyway.
What I AM curious about, is who came up with the lie they are telling ? Was it them ? was it Oceanic Airlines ? What of the rescue is true ? Did they leave the island on the small rescue boat from the freighter ?
And my mind is still buzzing with what exactly "moving the island" means/entails.
And who/what is trying to drive Hurley crazy ? is it Abbadon ? the Island ?
I am bummed that it seems that Jin is really going to die. I was hoping that maybe he was just left on the island, and they had to say he was dead. But Sun's anger last night seemed fairly genuine, and I pity whoever the OTHER person she thinks is responsible for his death is, they are in for some pain, I think, as is her Dad.
What is Ben's plan ? I have this feeling that Ben has been manipulating Locke the WHOLE TIME. I almost think that he DID know that Locke wouldn't die when he shot him and left him in the ditch. Ben seems to actually be in control of just about EVERYTHING(minus the killing of Alex-I think he was legitimately surprised and saddened by that.) Is it bad that I am starting to sort of like/appreciate Ben ? I'm guessing it is.
Who rigged the C4 in the boat ? Was it Keamy, to make sure they couldn't leave without him ?
I'm gonna be kinda pissed if the kill Desmond.
I think that's all I got for now. Anything you want to add ?
I totally forgot about Farraday knowing about the Orchid Station ! How did he know that ? Does Keamy intend to use the Orchid to "torch the island", much the same way that Ben/Locke intend to use it to move the island ? Farraday definitely knew that nothing good comes from the Orchid.
I also forgot to mention that I receive these updates from Entertainment Weekly magazine from their resident LOST guy Jeff Jensen. he's usually got some interesting(and sometimes some waaaay out) stuff.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Jimmy Fallon: New Host of Late Night...
Interesting choice. Funny enough guy, I guess.
I will be curious to see what kind of leash he is given. Unlike Conan, he is taking over a show that has a bona fide competitor in the Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson. Ferguson actually beat Conan in the ratings a month ago, i think. Conan may have been a rerun, but still. When Conan took over for Dave, there was nothing else on at 12;30, so he had some time to find his way. I wonder how much time Jimmy Fallon will be given.
I also wonder if it's telling that they are replacing Conan with a somewhat established name. The first month after Conan was named as the new host of Late Night was spent with NBC telling people who the hell Conan O'Brien was.
I like Conan' show, I watch it now(well, truth be told, I TiVo it, and then I fast forward through some of it-he's a HORRENDOUS interviewer), but I will definitely watch Letterman instead of Conan. I still think Dave is king. I cannot fathom why people watch Leno. Leno used to be funny, when he was still a comic, but he became host of the Tonight Show, and he lost any edge he used to have.
I have also heard rumblings that Jay may not be finished. that he is being politely pushed out the door at NBC. THAT could be very interesting, indeed.
But anyway, I'm not sure what I'll do with the 12:30(0r 12:35 or 12:37)a.m. TiVO slot. I've never really watched Ferguson, so perhaps I'll give him a look see the next time Conan's on vacation. I just don't know that I like Jimmy Fallon enough to watch him every night. IT'S ALL SO CONFUSING!!!!
Okay, it's really not, but I'm bored, you know ?
And how will old Conesy fair at 11:35 ? Like I said, I'm not going to watch, most likely. I might watch for a little while, to see if he changes drastically for the earlier hour. but I wonder, will he keep the people that seemed to pick Jay over Dave ? Or will Dave seem more accessible to those folks ? did they like Jay and hate Dave ? Are they just loyal to the "Tonight Show" brand ? Will the odd hairdo of Conan O'Brien test that loyalty ?
It's all very intriguing...And only a year away !!!
I will be curious to see what kind of leash he is given. Unlike Conan, he is taking over a show that has a bona fide competitor in the Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson. Ferguson actually beat Conan in the ratings a month ago, i think. Conan may have been a rerun, but still. When Conan took over for Dave, there was nothing else on at 12;30, so he had some time to find his way. I wonder how much time Jimmy Fallon will be given.
I also wonder if it's telling that they are replacing Conan with a somewhat established name. The first month after Conan was named as the new host of Late Night was spent with NBC telling people who the hell Conan O'Brien was.
I like Conan' show, I watch it now(well, truth be told, I TiVo it, and then I fast forward through some of it-he's a HORRENDOUS interviewer), but I will definitely watch Letterman instead of Conan. I still think Dave is king. I cannot fathom why people watch Leno. Leno used to be funny, when he was still a comic, but he became host of the Tonight Show, and he lost any edge he used to have.
I have also heard rumblings that Jay may not be finished. that he is being politely pushed out the door at NBC. THAT could be very interesting, indeed.
But anyway, I'm not sure what I'll do with the 12:30(0r 12:35 or 12:37)a.m. TiVO slot. I've never really watched Ferguson, so perhaps I'll give him a look see the next time Conan's on vacation. I just don't know that I like Jimmy Fallon enough to watch him every night. IT'S ALL SO CONFUSING!!!!
Okay, it's really not, but I'm bored, you know ?
And how will old Conesy fair at 11:35 ? Like I said, I'm not going to watch, most likely. I might watch for a little while, to see if he changes drastically for the earlier hour. but I wonder, will he keep the people that seemed to pick Jay over Dave ? Or will Dave seem more accessible to those folks ? did they like Jay and hate Dave ? Are they just loyal to the "Tonight Show" brand ? Will the odd hairdo of Conan O'Brien test that loyalty ?
It's all very intriguing...And only a year away !!!
Late Night Tee Vee,
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Law And Order Special Victims Unit, Or, As I often Catch Myself Calling It:Law & Order: SUV.
Okay, so I don't know if last night's episode was the season finale or not(I'm guessing by the several attempted *GASP* moments in the closing scenes that it was. And it looks like they finally got rid of Adam Beach, who was just horrendous on the program. His acting was like someone doing a bad impression of Clint Eastwood doing a bad impression of Charles Bronson.
And I'm sorry, but this show is getting funnier and funnier. It's so damned earnest and overwrought, I cannot help but laugh at it, and I know I shouldn't...I know the subject matter is horrific, but it's just so damned ridiculous !
I am also apparently in a minority. Here's a clip of Adam Beach from an episode about a serial killer, which a lot of fans of the show said was one of the best episodes ever.
Just watch his face in the clip.
Sorry for the commercial lead-in, but the NBC website was the only place to find the clip. Enjoy.
Aren't the facial expressions priceless ? I love Tee Vee.
And I'm sorry, but this show is getting funnier and funnier. It's so damned earnest and overwrought, I cannot help but laugh at it, and I know I shouldn't...I know the subject matter is horrific, but it's just so damned ridiculous !
I am also apparently in a minority. Here's a clip of Adam Beach from an episode about a serial killer, which a lot of fans of the show said was one of the best episodes ever.
Just watch his face in the clip.
Sorry for the commercial lead-in, but the NBC website was the only place to find the clip. Enjoy.
Aren't the facial expressions priceless ? I love Tee Vee.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Are You Hugging The Tee Vee ?!?!?
Yes I am !!
I love Tee Vee !! I fucking LOVE it !!!! And I am not going to be ashamed of that ANYMORE !!!
So, I will now write about the things I love on Tee Vee(including, but not limited to: Simpsons, Lost, Top Chef, The CSI's, The Laws & Orderses, The Late Show With David Letterman, etc.) and the things I Do NOT LOVE on Tee Vee(including, but not limited to: The Office(U.S. version) , Family Guy,Grey's Anatomy, etc.)
So, Welcome to the Museum of Tee Vee and Television(thank you, Simpsons). Stop by often. the Tee Vee will usually be on. Bring some snacks. Agree, disagree. Just do not EVER touch the remote.
I love Tee Vee !! I fucking LOVE it !!!! And I am not going to be ashamed of that ANYMORE !!!
So, I will now write about the things I love on Tee Vee(including, but not limited to: Simpsons, Lost, Top Chef, The CSI's, The Laws & Orderses, The Late Show With David Letterman, etc.) and the things I Do NOT LOVE on Tee Vee(including, but not limited to: The Office(U.S. version) , Family Guy,Grey's Anatomy, etc.)
So, Welcome to the Museum of Tee Vee and Television(thank you, Simpsons). Stop by often. the Tee Vee will usually be on. Bring some snacks. Agree, disagree. Just do not EVER touch the remote.
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