Friday, May 23, 2008

Top Chef

I am a pretty big fan of Top Chef...And not just because of her...

Though the lovely Miss. Padma Lakshmi does not make it difficult to tune in every week, either.

I'm not exactly sure why I enjoy it so much. I don't have a particularly refined palate(I'm pretty much a cheeseburger guy, to be honest...and bacon-lots and lots of bacon in and on everything), so a lot of the food they make does not really appeal to me. But I guess I like the interactions, and the preparation of the food, I actually do find fascinating sometimes, even if it's food I would not touch with a ten foot pole.
On the current season, Antonia, Spike,Lisa, Richard and Stephanie are left. Honestly, once Lisa gets eliminated(hopefully next week), I really don't care who wins, though I am guessing that Richard will.
Why do I want Lisa eliminated ? She's negative, she's a whiner, she always looks like she just smelled some thing bad, and she has blames every negative thing that happens on someone else. I would guess I am in the minority in not wanting Spike eliminated. the people I know who watch the show do not like him.He's kind of a schemer, but there's something about him I like. That said, i don't think he will win.
I think it will come down to Antonia and Richard. Antonia has been coming on strong, and Richard has probably been the most consistently good contestant all season.

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