Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Law And Order Special Victims Unit, Or, As I often Catch Myself Calling It:Law & Order: SUV.

Okay, so I don't know if last night's episode was the season finale or not(I'm guessing by the several attempted *GASP* moments in the closing scenes that it was. And it looks like they finally got rid of Adam Beach, who was just horrendous on the program. His acting was like someone doing a bad impression of Clint Eastwood doing a bad impression of Charles Bronson.
And I'm sorry, but this show is getting funnier and funnier. It's so damned earnest and overwrought, I cannot help but laugh at it, and I know I shouldn't...I know the subject matter is horrific, but it's just so damned ridiculous !
I am also apparently in a minority. Here's a clip of Adam Beach from an episode about a serial killer, which a lot of fans of the show said was one of the best episodes ever.
Just watch his face in the clip.
Sorry for the commercial lead-in, but the NBC website was the only place to find the clip. Enjoy.

Aren't the facial expressions priceless ? I love Tee Vee.

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